Changes to my Study programme


Hi everyone, today I’ll post my reflections on the programme of my career, Sound Engineering.

My career is defined by this university as mixture between science, arts and technology. Because of that we have a curriculum that includes music studies, music production techniques, mathematics, physics, acoustics, electronics, coding, etc. It is very nice to have the chance to learn about those different topics, nevertheless, it implies a very heavy workload that even makes many students to drop the career. Just in this semester I have to course 9 (!!!) subjects, and I am up to date with the curriculum. It’s just that the career is designed in a way that you get an insane workload. The semester that I had the smallest number of subjects they were 7. So… that is one thing that I would definitely change about my career, and it is not that hard.

Depending on what subjects you choose on the fourth and fifth year of the career, you can have a specialization: Signals, or sound production. The first one is more like a scientific one, and the second one is more like the artistic side of the career. I think one way of lighten the workload of the students is to make the specialization process in the early years of the career, so then you don’t have to study all of the advanced acoustics and math subjects if you want to get the sound production specialization, for example.

The other thing that usually bothers me is the lack of facilities and implements, until 2019 we had a studio installation that is great… if you were in the 90’s. Fortunately, the career is growing and this year the apartment were able to buy new mixers, loudspeakers and different kinds of devices that are modern.

Well… those 2 things are the most annoying to me and my friends on the career. We have talked and complained about them like millions of times hah. Thanks for reading my discharges :p bye!


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